Insect of the Month: Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica)

The lesser grain borer is a primary pest of whole grains, especially corn and cassava root.

The adults chew small holes in the kernel and then lay several eggs in the grain or in the grain mass.

Damage is seldom noticed until exit holes appear and adults are seen roaming the grain mass. 

What do lesser grain borers look like?

Lesser Grain Borer Adults: These small 3 mm (0.125 inch) beetles have a uniform dark brown to black color. They have distinctive pits on the elytra and small teeth on the front of the thorax. The ends of the elytra appear jagged. These beetles are excellent fliers and are attracted to insect light traps. 

Lesser Grain Borer Eggs: Eggs are white when first laid, turning reddish-brown before hatching. The egg is ovoid in shape and 0.6 mm (0.02 inches) long. 

Lesser Grain Borer Larvae: The immature stage is approximately 3-4 mm long, white to yellowish in color. It has a grub like in appearance and stubby thoracic legs. 

Lesser Grain Borer Pupae: Pupae are reddish brown and 4 mm (0.15 inches) long.

What is the lesser grain borer life cycle?

Female beetles will deposit 200 – 500 eggs in grains over a 4 -6-month life span. Eggs hatch in about three days, and the larvae can mature within 30 days or up to 58 days depending on temperature. Adults will feed on grains continuously. 

Monitoring Guidelines for Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica)

Click on the image or insect name above to view monitoring guidelines for lesser grain borers. These guidelines include details on Description, Lifecycle, Damage and Detection, Corresponding Products, Fun Facts, and more!

Stay tuned

Next week we are going to be sharing a solution Insects Limited offers when dealing with lesser grain borers.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


Product of the Month: All Beetle Trap Kit with RTU Gel Cartridge (IL-2750)


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