PMP Magazine: Profitable Products Q&A with Colleen O’Rourke

As seen in Pest Management Professional Magazine, Profitable Products, October 2021 Q&A with Insects Limited's Colleen O'Rourke

How do Insects Limited products save PMPs time/labor?

At Insects Limited, we take pride in our quality pheromone technology. Our products will give you the most consistent monitoring data when you pair our bullet lures with the appropriate traps. We have our NoSurvivor hanging traps, Low Lying Flat Traps, All Beetle trap, and SightTrap.

Our NoSurvivor Hanging traps and Low Lying Flat traps were tested by our entomologist in our lab and expert PMPs in the field. We used a 1 x 1 meter arena set up where we actively attempted to create an environment the insect will not want tot leave. We give them everything they need but we also present them with the opportunity to travel to our trap and the attractant inside. Through these rigorous tests we found our attractants pulling the insect out of the optimal environment in and into the traps.

The All Beetle trap was methodically designed by our entomologists who work with and study the target insects every day, they understand the needs of an easy-to-inspect device.

They ensured the device lay flat so there aren’t any obstacles for the insects to climb. The slope of the device is mathematically calculated to ensure the insects will create momentum ascending the trap, and once it meets the curved edge, it forces the insect to fall into the adhesive to be captured instead of letting the insect backtrack and go back down the ramp.

Our entomologists also spent hours observing the insects to determine a texture of the slope to complement the insects’ behaviors that were observed. So instead of being a smooth surface, the trap has little ridges where it makes it super easy for the insect to climb up.

The SightTrap, which is our remote pheromone monitoring device, saves PMPs the most time and money. We found that on average it takes a pest control professional two and a half minutes to inspect 2 traditional pheromone traps. The average-sized food facility has 77 traditional pheromone monitors. Therefore, nearly 2 valuable hours are spent looking in traps and counting insects.

Along with other pest control obligations there is little to no time to identify the insects and even less time to solve the issues of why they are there. This device revolutionizes how we monitor for pests so PMPs can stop spending so much time counting insects and more time providing value.

How do Insects Limited products save PMPs materials?

Insect Limited’s lures give you consistent data and only need to be replaced 4 times a year. Most lures from our competitors have a large spike in capturing insects within the first couple weeks, while the Bullet lure attraction remains steady. This is due to the high doses of pheromones that are released when the competing lures are placed out. If your lures have released most of its pheromone within this timeframe, you’re more likely to have a high catch rate in the beginning but very inconsistent data throughout the remainder of your monitoring process. Due to this inefficient data, infestations could potentially be growing without you noticing. Having accurate monitoring data will allow you to not waste time purchasing additional materials because the products will be accurate the first time.

How do Insects Limited products directly save PMPs money upfront?

One way PMPs can save money is by using our multi-species lures or Ready-To-Use line. We blend together certain pheromones in our lab that will attract a multitude of insects. For example, we have our clothes moth lure (IL-123-10) that will attract Webbing Clothes Moths (Tineola bisselliella), Case-making Clothes Moths (Tinea pellionella), and Brown-Dotted Clothes Moths (Niditinea fuscella). By using our multi-species lure or ready-to-use products, PMPs can save time and money by not having to purchase an array of different products.

How do Insects Limited products help PMPs generate more revenue?

Using our traps and lures will tell you if pests are present, indicate where they are coming from, and tell you whether the control measures that you have taken are working or not. Using our Bullet lures will give you the most accurate monitoring data in your pest management program. This will not only enable you to save time and money but also help you decide the appropriate next steps after insect detection has occurred. Having a successful monitoring in your IPM program and early detection will ensure you to generate more revenue.

In what other ways do Insects Limited products make PMPs more profitable?

We believe that the combination of providing our three main pillars – Science, Education and Innovation – to PMPs, along with our customer service is a recipe for success. Having accurate monitoring data will enable trust within the companies you are working with, and people work with people they trust. Our products will give you a true glimpse of what’s going on with insect monitoring so you can focus on next steps and other tools within your IPM program.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


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