Product of the Month - PTL Multi-Species Kit (IL-408-10)

Last week we shared our insect of the month, the warehouse beetle.

This week, we are sharing a product we offer to help solve your beetle problems.

How to Solve Warehouse Beetle Problems

PTL represents the Plodia/Trogoderma/Lasioderma insects. 

This product features NoSurvivor™ Hanging Traps and pheromone Bullet Lures™ for the most common stored products beetles and moths. This multi-species lure includes the sex pheromone for food moth species such as

The PTL Multi-Species Kit (IL-408-10) features the Insect Limited’s signature pheromone Bullet Lures™ that attract the most common pests of dried goods: Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella), Mediterranean Flour Moths (Ephestia kuehniella), Almond Moth (Ephestia cautella), Tobacco Moths (Ephestia elutella) and other food moth species; Trogoderma food beetles such as  the Warehouse beetle, (Trogoderma variabile), Khapra beetle, (Trogoderma granarium) as well as (Trogoderma glabrum) and (Trogoderma inclusum); and also the Cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) species with a controlled release of pheromone over 3 months.

Male moths and beetles are attracted to the lure and are readily stuck in the glue when paired with a sticky trap trapping system. The Bullet Lures are paired with  the NoSurvivor Trap™.

These traps can easily be hung in closets or throughout other living spaces, warehouses or storage rooms. Insects that are attracted to the lure are readily stuck in the glue upon entering the trap.

Stay tuned

Next week we are going to be sharing a video about warehouse beetles.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


Watch: Complete Lifecycle of the Warehouse Beetle


What Are Pheromones?