Spotlight on the Casemaking Clothes Moth

What is the casemaking clothes moth?

When it comes to textile pests, few are as persistent and destructive as the Casemaking Clothes Moth (Tinea pellionella).

What does the casemaking clothes moth look like?

A key characteristic that sets this species is the silken case created by the larvae. Unlike the Webbing Clothes Moth (Tineola bisselliella), which spins loose webbing across fabric. Casemaking Clothes Moth larvae construct a portable silk case that they carry with them as they feed. The larval case is constructed of the wool, feather, or fur fibers that the larvae feed on. This biological behavior serves to protect and camouflage the vulnerable larvae as well as making them particularly challenging to detect in homes, museums, and storage facilities.

What does the casemaking clothes moth eat?

This small yet damaging insect is notorious for feeding on wool, silk, fur, feathers, and upholstery, often going undetected until significant damage has been done. Unlike pantry pests, these moths do not infest food products - rather, they target keratin-rich materials found in clothing, carpets, taxidermy, and antique furnishings.

Where are casemkaing clothes moths found?

Casemaking Clothes Moths thrive in dark, undisturbed areas, making them difficult to detect. Common infestation sites include:

• Closets and storage boxes containing wool, silk, or fur items

• Carpet edges and areas beneath heavy furniture

• Antique upholstered furniture and draperies

• Taxidermy mounts, natural fiber rugs, and even musical instruments with felt components

How to trap the casemaking clothes moth?

Because Casemaking Clothes Moths are secretive and often remain hidden, infestations can progress unnoticed until significant damage has occurred. Early detection is essential for effective management. Using pheromones traps can help identify infestations by attracting male moths, allowing for targeted efforts. Regular inspections of vulnerable materials and proper storage techniques, such as using moth-resistant storage solutions and freezing infested items, can also aid in prevention.

What products work best against casemaking clothes moths?

At Insects Limited, we specialize in innovative solutions designed to target pests like the casemaking clothes moth. From monitoring systems to educational resources, we are here to help you stay ahead of infestations. If you are looking for effective tools to safeguard your stored products, explore our offerings and let us help you keep your facilities pest-free.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


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