Why Insects Limited Is the Right Company to Provide a Connected Pheromone Monitoring Device

Written By Tom Mueller, Vice President of Insects Limited. Inc.

Insects Limited delivers on its purpose of making the world a better place by helping to protect its food and cherished belongings from damage by pests by focusing on 4 pillars: Science, Innovation, Quality, and Education.


At Insects Limited, we have a staple phrase: “Start with the insect first.” We believe the best way to solve a pest problem is to know and understand everything we can about the target pest. Only when we know its behavioral, biological, and physiological preferences, can we start to solve the pest issue for good. At Insects Limited, we study these pests to better understand them. We also work with leaders in the industry to gather feedback on their needs. Once a need is identified, we can research the best solution.

Insects Limited sees this unfortunate trend as an opportunity. In November of 2023, we moved the business to a newly constructed, customized building allowing us to achieve our promise of scientific research to our customers and to the industry.

Our new facility is the Insects Limited Center for Stored Product Protection, and it has already advanced our ability to conduct more comprehensive research around protecting the world’s food and cherished belongings from damage by pests. Positioning this facility as well as the company in such a way has opened doors to the largest food manufacturers in the world as they request our professional services in comprehensive pest prevention. Insects Limited utilizes these relationships to sell pheromone technology products.


We look at innovation as one of our key competitive advantages. Our industry is rapidly changing due to the demands of customers. By maintaining an innovative product portfolio and pipeline, we can differentiate ourselves from our competitors by offering products with unique features and better quality that are being asked for by pest management professionals.

Focusing on innovation allows us to take risks and expand in areas of the market our competitors are not willing to explore. By taking these risks, Insects Limited has been able to expand our customer base and increase revenue streams, leading to more products and services.

By taking risks, innovation has also mitigated risks for Insects Limited by protecting us from being vulnerable to disruptions in certain areas of our market. Consumer preferences paired with technological advances require companies in the pest management industry to be ready to pivot. Establishing ourselves as innovators has allowed us to be in control of the demand and change in customer preferences. Our goal is to create these pivots. In doing so, we are in front of the industry curve.

Energy and the freedom to create also foster excitement in our workforce, allowing for better recruitment and retention. As a growing company, our team gets excited about the products they are creating. They believe in our mission and are passionate about our purpose. They see the future opportunities available with this company.

We believe innovation is essential for our company to thrive in a dynamic and competitive market, and it drives growth, efficiency, and sustainability. It allows us to be responsive to customer needs and create market trends.

The highest quality of pheromone products available on the market:

We are unwilling to compromise on the quality of products we manufacture.

Earning a reputation as the experts in our segment of this industry has allowed us to create relationships with other experts at government and university levels around the world.

These entities have tested our products and compared them to competing products and companies.

Each time these tests have been conducted; our products come out on top. Our customers know it.

With an increasing demand for data trending in the industry, a consistently high performing product is becoming mandatory for professionals, and they are achieving success in part with the products we provide.


The research conducted at the Insects Limited Center for Stored Product Protection is not kept confidential. We give back to this industry by providing education in many forms. From providing helpful information through regular newsletters and emails, to preparing and executing international conferences, the staff at Insects Limited educates tens of thousands of people each year on how to better mitigate pest issues.

Insects Limited is uniquely qualified to launch an Internet of Things (IoT) pest monitoring device for several reasons. Focusing first on insects, our background in insect monitoring and management solutions, we have a deep understanding of insect behavior, pheromones, and effective monitoring techniques. This expertise positions us well to work with strategic partners to develop a sophisticated IoT device that can accurately detect and track insect activity.

We have a dedicated research and development team focused on creating cutting-edge solutions for pest management. The investment in R&D on the SightTrap and ForesightIPM will facilitate the further development of this IoT device, taking it to the level the industry needs, a movement toward prevention and ultimately prediction of pest issues.

Having served various industries such as food processing, pest control, museums, pharmaceuticals, and residential, we have insights into the specific needs and challenges of different sectors regarding pest management. This industry experience will inform the design and functionality of the IoT device to ensure it addresses real-world requirements effectively.

Insects Limited's focus on practical pest management solutions aligns well with the growing demand for sustainable practices in various industries. The SightTrap/ForesightIPM system developed by Insects Limited will offer a way for customers to make fast decisions and take immediate action on pest issues helping to offer solutions quickly, allowing pest management professionals to add value and protect their commodities.

Overall, our combination of expertise, industry experience, customer base, and commitment to innovation and sustainability makes Insects Limited uniquely qualified to provide an innovative IoT device to pest management professionals.

Product Description

The SightTrap/ForesightIPM system is an innovative pest management solution developed by Insects Limited, a leading company in the field of insect monitoring and management. The SightTrap system utilizes cutting-edge pheromone technology combined with a digital monitoring system to accurately detect and track insect activity in various environments such as food processing facilities, warehouses, homes, residential living spaces, and museums. By leveraging real-time data and alerts, the SightTrap enables proactive pest management strategies, helping businesses mitigate infestation risks and strategically plan chemical intervention.

ForesightIPM (Software) complements the SightTrap (Hardware) by offering a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) solution. It combines advanced monitoring techniques, data analysis, and will eventually create customized action plans allowing for a proactive approach to pest control. ForesightIPM empowers businesses with insights into pest behavior patterns, allowing them to implement targeted interventions and preventative measures including all components of an IPM strategy including chemical applications, fumigations, fogging, sanitation, and exclusion.

This system consists of three parts; the hardware and firmware make up the physical device called the SightTrap. The software, ForesightIPM, clearly presents the data the SightTrap collects.

At present time, the SightTrap measures 6x6x1 allowing for the adoption of the industry standard pheromone monitoring glue board. The device is powered by a lithium-ion battery which allows the SightTrap to power on one time each day to capture an image of the glue board and keeps the power on long enough to connect with the customer’s available WiFi to send the image to AWS. The image produced has enough clarity to help Insects Limited entomologists identify the insects attracted to and stuck in the glue board. To help with clarity, there are two LED light bulbs illuminated at the time the image is captured. The device is hung using 4 wires attached to a clip and magnet. For crawling insects, the device is mounted to a custom fixture allowing for 6 inches of space between the SightTrap and the glue board.

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Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


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