Insects Limited Announces New Team Members
Insects Limited is excited to welcome new team members, Colleen O’Rourke and Jeffrey Mills. Click to view…
The Worst Pest Invasion of Stored Products in Recorded History (With Pictures!) – Part 1
Do you have an elusive family of mice giving your pest control operator headaches? Rest peacefully knowing he’s not up against 126,000 mice! Click to view…

Species Spotlight - The Cowpea Weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus)
The cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus) is a stored product insect pest that infests and feeds on stored legumes, such as cowpeas (black-eyed peas), chickpeas, lentils, mung beans, adzuki beans, and dried peas. Click to view…

Top Clothes Moth Cities in the USA in 2020
By no means was 2020 a typical year by anyone’s imagination, but the insect pests that plague us went on like everything was just fine. So, when we looked back at the year concerning which cities in the U.S. have the worst clothes moth problems, we saw many cities stay in the same ranking spot while a few others moved down on the list.

Indian Meal Moth: About the Insect
Indian Meal Moth adults are bi-colored with a cream/yellow at the base and a copper/dark gray color on the outer portion of the wings. Click for more information...

Trials and Tribulations of Lure and Trap Testing: Field Trials
Field trials are typically carried out in third-party production, storage or distribution sites. On paper, the story should be so simple...(Click to view)

Start with the Insect First: Angoumois Grain Moth
Pest issues can sometimes cause interesting scenarios. Often our customers will perform their own identification of what pest insect that they think that they have and then