Insect of the Month: Hide Beetle (Dermestes maculatus)

The hide beetle is often found on dried meat products such as pet food and is most often discovered as a hairy larva in the bottom of pet food bags. These larvae can burrow into paper, cardboard, Styrofoam insulation and wood, leaving a round hole approximately 6mm (0.25”) in diameter.

Cast skins are numerous in heavily infested materials. Adults are frequently found perched on the top of infested material or hiding in crevices of bones and cracks with food debris.

What do hide beetles look like?

Adult Hide Beetles: Adult hide beetles are about 13 mm (0.5 inches) long, dark brown to black and have whitish markings on the shoulders of the pronotum and underside. This species is characterized by the small spike-like points at the tip of the elytra.

Hide Beetle Eggs: Hide beetle eggs are oval and approx. 1.5 mm (0.06 inches) long.

Hide Beetle Larvae: Hide beetle larvae are hairy brown to blackish blue in color and about 13-19 mm (0.05-0.75 inches) long. There is a pair of stiff spines that arise from the second to last abdominal segment. These spines curve upwards.

Hide Beetle Pupae: Pupae are slightly smaller than the larvae, and oval in shape. The pupating insect will use its last larval skin to provide a protective covering for the pupa. The end of the pupal chamber may be closed with debris or material the larvae was previously feeding on.

What is the hide beetle life cycle?

The female hide beetle will lay 650-850 eggs in its 60-90-day life span as an adult. Larvae will feed on high protein material such as dried meats, pet foods, and skins of animals. The hide beetle life cycle on average takes 44-70 days depending on humidity, temperature, and quality of food.

Hide beetles are less active in colder months and will remain as larvae during this time. This stage can be as short as 35 days or 238 days depending on when temperatures begin to rise. Pupation is a relatively short 7 days.

The adult hide beetle can fly, and peak adult activity occurs in the warmer months with flights occurring until temperatures drop. Several generations can occur during the year. Several generations can occur during the year.

Monitoring Guidelines for Hide Beetle (Dermestes maculatus)

Click on the image or insect name above to view monitoring guidelines for hide beetles. These guidelines include details on Description, Lifecycle, Damage and Detection, Corresponding Products, Fun Facts, and more!

Stay tuned

Next week we are going to be sharing a solution Insects Limited offers when dealing with hide beetles.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


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Watch: Complete Lifecycle of the Warehouse Beetle