Solve Customer Problems Faster with SightTrap

Insects Limited has a customer who has purchased SightTraps for a large facility storing food. Originally, the SightTraps were placed with the intent of monitoring for Cigarette Beetles which it did very well. So much so that it alerted the customer to just how big of a problem the facility had. This customer dedicated 3 of their SightTraps to narrow in on this problem.

After a discussion about Cigarette Beetle biology and how this insect has better catch rates in floor traps, the customer has now located the area of greatest concern by triangulating the SightTraps and has implemented All Beetle Traps (Floor Traps) with Cigarette Beetle pheromones to pinpoint the infestation nova. All of this was done in 2 short weeks which is a typical service schedule for most pest control companies.

The SightTraps provided this customer with the information needed to prepare for their next visit which will help them solve their customers’ problems faster than normal.

An infestation pinpoint update will be coming soon.

Cigarette Beetles were not the only insect of interest being caught in the traps. This customer was also catching Phorid flies which had not known were present at the time. When the SightTraps were adjusted to narrow in on the Cigarette Beetle infestation, the technician performed a quick inspection for conducive conditions related to Phorid flies and located a damaged product which was discarded and the Phorid fly problem dissipated.

The SightTraps are taking care of two birds (or two species of insect) with one to say.

Insects Limited, an Insect Pheromone Company

Insects Limited, Inc. researches, tests, develops, manufactures and distributes pheromones and trapping systems for insects in a global marketplace. The highly qualified staff also can assist with consultation, areas of expert witness, training presentations and grant writing.

Insects Limited, Inc. specializes in a unique niche of pest control that provides mainstream products and services to protect stored food, grain, museum collections, tobacco, timber and fiber worldwide. Please take some time to view these products and services in our web store.


Glue science: How we get insects to “stick” around in traps


Monarch Butterfly Tagging