PMP Magazine: Profitable Products Q&A with Colleen O’Rourke
As seen in Pest Management Professional Magazine, Profitable
Products, October 2021 Q&A with Insects Limited's Colleen O'Rourke

Arizona Arthropods
Arthropods are a phylum of invertebrate animals that contain an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and paired appendages.
Some of the most popular arthropods include scorpions, spiders, millipedes, centipedes, crustaceans, and insects.
Ethan Estabrook had the unique opportunity to see a wide variety of arthropods on his recent trip to the Sonoran Desert of Arizona.

Glue science: How we get insects to “stick” around in traps
One of the biggest issues, when monitoring for insects, is that the insects don’t really want to be caught. Go figure. Regardless of the trap style, whether it be a pitfall trap or a sticky blunder trap, the insects that approach them tend to, by and large, avoid hurtling headlong towards death. We do our best to design traps to outwit these crafty bugs and if you spend some time watching a trap, you’ll see what I mean.

Solve Customer Problems Faster with SightTrap
Originally, the SightTraps were placed with the intent of monitoring for Cigarette Beetles which it did very well. So much so that it alerted the customer to just how big of a problem the facility had. Click to view…

Monarch Butterfly Tagging
Insects Limited’s, Ethan Estabrook, participated in the Carmel Parks Department Monarch tagging event on September 4th.

Insects Limited Bullet Lure Technology
At Insects Limited, we attribute our quality pheromone technology to three main pillars – science, education, and innovation.

Laboratory Intern Plays Important Role in Insects Limited Research
Samantha Kiever, an Entomology major from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was welcomed in by the Insects Limited’s staff this summer to share her skills with the company while gaining some important experience in an entomology lab while working with three Board Certified Entomologists.

Drugstore and Cigarette Beetles
Drugstore (Stegobium paniceum) and cigarette beetles (Lasioderma serricorne) cause serious damage to stored products.

Insects Limited's Free Webinar Series Continues: Learn the Science Behind Insects Limited’s Products
Insects Limited's world-class education programs share the most recent, cutting-edge investigations into pest biology, pheromones, and trapping systems presented by researchers and field experts from around the globe.

Cicadas Among Us
You would never know it, but lying in the ground beneath trees are billions of bugs just waiting to emerge into daylight. The wait can be really long though, as in 17 years long! The telltale red eyes of the 17-year locust give away how long they have been patiently waiting to visit the earth above ground. Here is their story.

When It Comes to Insects, Temperature Over Everything
If you are not taking temperature into consideration when executing a pest control program, then it is highly unlikely you can categorize this program as “integrated pest management.”

SightTraps - A Year in Review
Technology is changing everything and at Insects Limited we recognized the need to take advantage of these changes and create the SightTrap, a device that will provide daily images, insect identification, and insect population counts allowing for the pest professional to do what they are paid to do, solve pest problems.

Insects Limited's Free Webinar Series Continues with Jeff Waggoner of FSS
Insects Limited's world-class education programs share the most recent, cutting-edge investigations into pest biology, pheromones, and trapping systems presented by researchers and field experts from around the globe.

New Product from Insects Limited: Moth-Resistant Garment Bag
Insects Limited is now offering Moth-Resistant Garment Bags as part of a complete clothes moth management solution. (Freezer Bags, Garment Bags, Pheromone Traps)

Radar Love: Antennae, Sex Pheromones and Bug Love
Insects Limited is all about pheromones. We synthesize insect pheromone, blend pheromones, test pheromones and provide pheromones to our customers around the globe. Simply stated, the concept for sex pheromones is that a chemical scent is launched into the air by a female insect and that scent ultimately translates into boy bug finding girl bug. While many people know this much about pheromones, most don’t understand the process that goes into making the male behave this way.

Automated Warehousing Facility Using SightTrap
Insects Limited took all the necessary safety precautions, but there would certainly be safety concerns if someone had to check this device 52 times or more per year.

Clothes Moths Threaten Apartment Complexes
What do clothes moths have to do with apartment complexes?Insects Limited annually ranks US cities with the most clothes moth issues. The takeaway each year is that there are many more problems with clothes moths in highly-populated urban areas compared to issues in rural settings. This is almost certainly due to the fact that people pass the moths from person to person as they gift, sell or trade their belongings with each other. We also know that the moths can travel from residence to residence more easily in densely populated cities. Large apartment complexes are the most “at-risk” dwellings within cities to contract clothes moth issues.

Insects Limited's Free Webinar Series Continues with Dr. Paul Fields
FieldsInsects Limited's world-class education programs share the most recent, cutting-edge investigations into pest biology, pheromones, and trapping systems presented by researchers and field experts from around the globe.

Museum Monitoring Guidelines
When implementing an IPM program within a museum, library or historic house, one should begin by placing blunder traps un-baited flat, sticky glue traps) snug against the wall on either side of all doorways, in corners and (click to view…)

Species Spotlight: The Rice Weevil (Sitophilus oryzae)
Rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) and maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) can cause serious damage to stored grains. They are internal feeders and damage grain by boring holes into grain kernels reducing weight, nutrition, and overall quality. Click to view…